November 28, 2022
Make Women’s History #GivingTuesday
Our feminist foremothers continue to inspire with their poignant words. Which suffragist’s quote is most meaningful to you? Read on (and be sure to have images turned on if you don’t already!):
Mattie Brinkerhoff Circle: $100
Abigail Scott Duniway Circle: $250
Woodhull and Claflin Circle: $1,000
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Circle: $5,000
Susan B. Anthony Circle: $10,000
The Revolution Circle: $15,000
As we work to fulfill Susan B. Anthony’s still-unrealized dream of a day when no woman feels driven to abortion, I ask you to carefully consider which Feminist Giving Circle, what level of giving, is most meaningful to you.
Right now, the FFL Board and Friends are matching tax-deductible gifts to Feminists for Life of America as well as Women Deserve Better.
“The true mission of Society is to provide the conditions, legal, moral, economic, and obstetric, which will assure happy and successful motherhood.”
—Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst
Additionally, join the Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst Society, which is for monthly donors of all giving levels who provide core support to achieve our vision.
Another group of friends are double-matching your new or increased monthly gift.
And if your employer matches gifts to nonprofits, it will be doubled yet again!
Whichever best fits your capacity to give, please know that it will be most meaningful to those we serve. Thank you.
Because women — and girls — deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist