February 2, 2023
THANK YOU to all who marched, walked, and rallied!
Thank you to all who marched, walked, and rallied over the past few weeks. The first post-Dobbs anniversary of Roe was especially poignant, and it was made all the more special by pro-woman, pro-life advocates like you who joined us from coast to coast.
We also thank those of you who continue to write to your local newspapers and elsewhere all year long advocating for our work for the most vulnerable.
Most recently, we were humbled by Marie Palmer, who wrote a deeply honest testimony about how her experience with miscarriage motivated her to march for life in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Additionally, longtime supporter Marilyn Kopp penned a letter to The Cleveland Plain Dealer setting the record straight about our pro-life feminist history. Read more about the first woman nominated for President of the United States, Victoria Woodhull. (And reminder that if you get published, please let us know!)
One great way to learn more about our feminist foremothers, in addition to the latest pro-woman, pro-life news and views, is to follow FFL on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where we post daily (and sometimes more often than that!).
One of our followers, Rev. Teresa Schink, was effusive in her praise — and on more than one occasion:
What would we do without Feminists for Life?! I treasure every daily post: They are all beautifully and sensitively written, and historically informative and fascinating. May God continue to bless and increase the influence and work of this wonderful ministry!!…
I was so moved when I read that post! Suddenly, I was struck by how necessary the work of Feminists for Life is for women in crisis. Its daily posts also are very interesting, full of insights and information that’s not widely known, such as how the leaders of the suffrage movement were pro-life.
Thank you, Teresa. Your kind words mean so much to us.
Finally, in addition to posting on YouTube, FFL is now on Rumble! Check out our latest video here. We can’t wait to reach even more people who might not yet have heard our unique voice.
No matter which platform(s) you use, please be sure to follow us so you’re always in the loop. March forth!
Because women — and girls — deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. FFL is back at the Pro-Life Women’s Conference!! FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner will present “Slaves Among Us: Sex Trafficking in the U.S.” See below for more upcoming events, and click on each banner to learn more!