October 4, 2023

She needs shelter…

Studies have long shown that lack of resources and support are most often the driving factors to abortion.

Those experiencing financial and resource poverty also cite housing as one of their biggest concerns. Whether it is making rent, or finding an affordable place to live, poor credit, or living in unsafe or substandard housing, housing crises can quickly lead to despair and force a choice that may have not otherwise been made.

Where to Find Help Paying for Housing

Your Housing Rights: Leases, Landlords, and Children

Tips for Buying Your First Home

What are tenants unions and how can they help?

Is an Assumable Loan Right for You?

Whether you or someone you know is struggling with housing challenges— especially during financially trying times—our WomenDeserveBetter helpsite has more than 300 articles to make life easier. 

If you are a pregnancy resource center staff or volunteer, counselor in a house of worship, school or workplace, or social services professional, you make the crucial difference, and we support you, too.

Sharing the message that “Women Deserve Better® is the first step. We put our messages into actionYou can help share women-centered solutions.

Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America

Joyce McCauley-Benner
Director of Public Education
Feminists for Life of America

P.S. Breaking: SCOTUS rejected an effort to end rent stabilization in New York, but implications are nationwide.

P.P.S. Thank you to all who have responded to our fall billboard campaign! Please continue to share and ENVISION the messages everywhere!