September 1, 2022
Prepare to Respect Life NOW!
Can you believe summer is almost over? With the return of sweater weather and all things pumpkin comes back-to-school and yes, Respect Life Month, which is just five weeks away!
Order your placards, brochures, and bumper stickers online today in preparation for Respect Life events, including life chains and tabling.
Check out our NEW Women Deserve Better bumper sticker! It’s the fastest way to advertise resources and support for the most vulnerable. |
Our new sticker is just one of many you can purchase from our Covetable Stuff℠ collection for yourself, a loved one, or distribution at pro-life events!
In addition, our “Voices of Our Feminist Foremothers” and Women Deserve Better brochures are a pocket-sized way to spread the word about our pro-woman, pro-life history and resources and support, not just this Respect Life Month but year-round! (And if you or someone you know works or volunteers at a pregnancy resource center, consider sponsoring our Women Deserve Better Kit, too!)
Finally, you can make a BIG impact at your Respect Life demonstration, life chain, efforts outside clinics, or tabling outside houses of worship with our large placards!
They read “Women Deserve Better® than Abortion” AND “Peace Begins in the Womb©” on the flip side.
Thanks to a GENEROUS donor, organizers can receive 20 FREE placards by paying $30 for packaging, shipping, and handling. In return, we simply ask that you provide us photos (like this one)!
Order now: It’s first come, first served, and we can’t afford rush shipping rates. And be sure to keep your placards for future pro-woman, pro-life events — especially the first-ever post-Dobbs anniversary of Roe this January!
Contact today, and PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A FREE package of placards for Respect Life Month. Thank you. March forth! |
Because women — and girls — deserve better, |
Damian J. Geminder
Director of Education & Editor
Feminists for Life of America