During the most challenging of times, our pro-woman, pro-life beliefs have been severely tested.
In the newest issue of The American Feminist, titled “PERSEVERANCE,” we celebrate the resilience of women, starting with the cover. Johanna Young, who earlier shared her heartbreaking story of domestic violence and coerced abortion, is featured while carrying Sheridan. This iconic image includes her tattoo. (Yes, she has FFL’s logo on her hand!)
In my intro, I will put the 2020 Centennial Celebration into historic perspective. No, it is nothing like we planned, but we have made the best of it, serving the newly needy.
Chloe Folmar examines the “Culture of Death” as abortion advocates reveal more of their thinking. Instead we say: Don’t underestimate women!
Samantha Kamman celebrates life with creative solutions in “Love Has Everything to Do with It.”
Meghan McGoldrick shares the experiences of caretakers and moms during “Challenging Times for Those with Special Needs and Their Caretakers,” as well as insights about adults facing disabilities.
Carolina Wasinger brings a personal perspective to the unmet needs of too often ignored Native women, men, and children in “Strong Hearts During the Pandemic.”
Elizabeth Troutman reflects on a variety of ways to consider caring for our elders in “You Are Not a Burden.”
Emma Strick helps readers see different points of view when it comes to child rearing and house duties through the eyes of women and men in “He Said/She Did?”
Grace Berning sheds light on domestic violence and child abuse during the darkness caused by the cover of COVID-19.
Annie Newsome reflects on lessons learned when schools shut down.
And finally, Bailey Zimmitti recaps all of the new and timely articles on our helpsite, WomenDeserveBetter.com, which has served more than 100,000 unique visitors this year seeking information about how to Work, Learn, Live, and Love better.
We are so proud of this timely, informative issue of The American Feminist, released during this once-in-a-century pandemic, during this once-in-a-century anniversary of American women earning the right to vote.
Please make sure your support is current so you don’t miss out on your copy today. More important, your support means those we serve don’t miss out.
As always, I thank you. Stay safe. Stay well!
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. FFL Speakers and Moderators are ready to bring our pro-woman, pro-life message to your next event, whether in person or virtually! Contact us today to bring us to your pro-life group, house of worship, diocesan or women’s conference, pregnancy resource center gala, or on campus. Thank you!