To gain a better appreciation of the spectrum of interests by our first wave feminist foremothers, and to truly understand the incredible opposition that they faced, we invite you to join us virtually on Women’s Equality Day.
This Thursday evening, owner of the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum Carol Crossed will present some of her carefully curated collection from her stunningly beautiful and revealing book, Vintage Tweets: Suffrage Era Postcards.
In celebration of Women’s Equality Day, the 101st anniversary of women’s right to vote, we kindly invite you to join us for this virtual presentation by Carol Thursday, August 26, at 7 p.m. ET.
Thank you to all of you who already replied to our earlier email to RSVP. We have decided to open up this event to the first 100 registrants. Please email us at know that you will be attending, if you haven’t already.
Here is the Zoom link to watch.
Carol was an editorial assistant for 15 years to the New York State Feminist and past editor of Voices for Peace. In 2006, she purchased and restored the birthplace of Susan B. Anthony in Adams, Massachusetts. Four years later, it opened as a historic museum. In recognition of that accomplishment, she received the Northern Berkshire Massachusetts Business and Professional Women Award.
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Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Because women— and girls — deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster President Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better & The American Feminist
P.S. In addition to our virtual event with Carol this Thursday, FFL is bringing our pro-woman, pro-life message to campuses across the country. Please consider supporting our efforts to educate and inspire the next generation, or to invite an FFL Speaker to your next event, email us today! Thank you.