April 12, 2024

The history you might not know…

I’ve always thought of suffrage and abolition—and later the women’s movement and civil rights—as twin movements which we celebrated in February and March. But FFL Director of Public Education Joyce McCauley-Benner has made me realize that too often they can be linked with Sex Trafficking (January) and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April). Women deserve better.

As advocates of peace and justice, as Feminists for Life, we will never trade one form of violence for another. 

We will know we are successful when women’s history and Black (as well as other minorities) history are our history year-round, and when Sex Trafficking and Sexual Assault Awareness months, like the violence and discrimination of abortion—are no longer necessary.

Human Life Review has just published Joyce’s op-ed which reconsiders the compelling history behind these monthly themes as a NEWSworthy blog post. I encourage you to read it and share widely.

Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster

P.S. If you would like to invite Joyce to share her “Victory Over Violence” story or her trafficking speech, “Slaves Among Us: Sex Trafficking in the U.S.,” or any of our other speakers, please contact us at info@feministsforlife.org.

Our newest issue of The American Feminist, “Strong As a Mother” is out now. Renew or sign up now to get yours!