September 23, 2023

Envision this! What’s your choice?

Like the suffragists, we are heralds.

FFL messages have inspired, educated, challenged, and shaped the landscape of the abortion debate.

With the reversal of Roe, states across the country are re-examining their laws and important elections will be had this fall.

Now, more than ever, our divided country needs our pro-woman, pro-life feminist messages. Envision billboards in towns and cities, near highways and roads, beckoning the call to “Question Abortion” and tell everyone that “Women Deserve Better® than Abortion”.

What’s your choice?

Each of these billboards could spark conversation and effect change. Donate now to our fall billboard campaign and we will get to work putting the right message in the most needed areas.

We ask you to consider a gift that is above and beyond your normal giving to ensure that FFL is also here to work on the solutions women need and deserve. 

Contact us if you prefer to sponsor an individual “Women Deserve Better®” or “Peace Begins in the Womb©” billboard or other transportation signage at metro or bus stops or interiors.

We welcome other groups who share our vision and wish to sponsor outdoor or print ads in papers and newsletters. Also if you own property with a sign, we want to work with you!

Email us at for details.

The messenger matters, not only the message. Thanks to supporters like you, we have an impressive record of accomplishments to back it up. 

How many billboards and transport signs—how many hearts and minds we can reach—will be up to people like you. Thank you for your careful consideration and most generous gift.

Please, make your most generous donation now at

Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster

P.S. Be a herald: We have shareable memes on our website here. You can also share our messages from our Facebook, Twitter, Threads, and Instagram pages. Thank you for helping to spread the word!