The Board of Directors of Feminists for Life of America congratulates FFL President Serrin M. Foster and FFL speakers Joyce McCauley-Benner and Chaunie Brusie for being named by Newsmax as three of its 100 Most Influential Pro-Life Advocates, specifically as numbers 34, 38 and 39 in the ranking.
Newsmax recognized people of all political parties; sectarian and nonsectarian nonprofits; legislators at the state and national levels; actors, entertainers and models; authors, professors and attorneys.
We also wish to congratulate those women making the list who have previously been named by Feminists for Life as Remarkable Pro-Life Women® including Louisiana State Senator Sharon Weston Broome (D-LA), two-time Emmy winner Patricia Heaton, and journalist Michelle Malkin.
We are grateful for your ongoing gifts that fuel our efforts as we reach out to those who have never known a day without abortion.
In the tradition of Susan B. Anthony, I urge you to help us once again as we work to systematically eliminate the root causes that drive women to abortion.
Because women deserve better,
Cindy P. Brown
Chair of the Board
PS If your organization wishes to book one of FFL’s dynamic speakers for your conference, banquet, Theology on Tap or campus event, please contact