#WhyWeMarch? NEW video!

Have you seen our new video for the March for Life? FFL Chair of the Board Kara Sorenson explains why she — and we — will march for life this Friday in Washington D.C.!

Please share Kara’s video with your friends! Forward this email, or send the YouTube link directly.

In addition, this past Saturday saw FFL supporters take to the streets in FOUR cities: Los Angeles, California; Montpelier, Vermont; Phoenix, Arizona; and St. Augustine, Florida!

Our thanks to all FFL area coordinators whose organizing efforts made these successful events possible. Check out pictures from Phoenix and St. Augustine below:

Feminists for Life will continue to take part in local March, Walk, and Rally events across the country. Please check out the locations below and plan to meet up with FFL Board, staff, area coordinators, and supporters tomorrow through the rest of the month — and beyond!

If you are joining us at the March for Life in D.C. on Friday, January 24, to get your placard, look for us and our “Feminists for Life” banner on the Constitution Avenue side of the National Mall, near the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, between 9th and 12th streets. (Check out the official March map here!) And please be sure to visit us at the March for Life Expo Wednesday evening and all day Thursday!

Please take photos of you or others carrying our placards and share them with us! (Just shoot us an email.) Also, put them on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #WhyWeMarch.

Finally, we have more events on campus: William & Mary, Georgia Tech, University of Pittsburgh, University of Dayton, and Miami University.

March forth!

Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America