Respect Life Month is just weeks away, but there is still time to get your pro-woman, pro-life materials before then!
Feminists for Life has three terrific brochures:
- • Our basic brochure, which povides an overview of the philosophy of Feminists for Life of America as we lead the renaissance of the original pro-life feminist movement.
- • “Voices of Our Feminist Foremothers,” filled with powerful pro-life quotes from early American feminists.
- • “You Have Better Choices,” which lists NINE nonviolent choices and the resources and support available to pregnant women. Also outlines a father’s rights and responsibilities and how college activists can transform their campus using our model “tools for schools.”
Plus, powerful bumper stickers to help you get out the pro-woman, pro-life message. We also have placards — especially if you are thinking ahead for Roe! (Please order by September 17 to ensure delivery for October 1!)
Finally, FFL President Serrin Foster and Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner can make your next banquet, rally, conference, or campus event one to remember! Whether you want Serrin to present her landmark speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion” or wish to invite Joyce to lecture about sex trafficking or her personal story of being raped and later learning she was pregnant and choosing “Victory Over Violence,” you will make the right choice! Contact info@feministsforlife.