Apply for FFL internships (and FREE kits) NOW…

This weekend marks the beginning of spring, and with it, we announce our annual summer internship program! We need capable, passionate, pro-woman, pro-life interns. Read on to see if this might be the right fit for you — and us:

FFL summer interns research, write, and edit for projects like our website and helpsite, our Girls Deserve Better™ campaign, our College Outreach Program, and our biannual magazine, The American Feminist; assist us in our advocacy efforts; and plan events on their campuses when they return to school. (No grabbing coffee for the boss and making copies or other boring stuff!)

Serious applicants for part-time or full-time volunteer positions should send:

  • a cover letter explaining why you are pro-woman and pro-life; include any work in the movement, and tell us about your skills,
  • your résumé,
  • and a writing sample to

Also, let us know if you are going to do this for school credit. (Following these directions is your first test!)

If you or someone you know is a graduating high school senior or current college student, please apply, and forward this email to any family or friends who might also be interested in interning with us!

In addition, thanks to the sacrifice of our donors, we are able to offer kits for BOTH pro-woman, pro-life high school groups and advisers and collegiate groups and their leaders.

Order your kit now for tabling and/or distribution, while showing FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s video, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion,” at a club meeting or assembly! Contact ASAP before supplies run out. One kit per school.

March forth!

Because women deserve better,

Damian J. Geminder
Director of Public Education & Editor
Feminists for Life of America