A woman’s place is “on the money!” Pro-life feminists and abolitionists…

As feminists, we are daughters and sons of abolition. 

Finally, abolitionists and suffragists will be on the front of the $20 bill and the back of the $10 bill — including pro-life feminists!
In celebration, Feminists for Life will once again reveal our original research about these Remarkable Pro-Life Women® and women born into slavery, so that we can expand our efforts to educate the public about our rich pro-life feminist history and abolitionist roots.
By honoring these women, the U.S. Treasury will help us get the message out (whether they knew it or not!)

Suffragists in front of the Treasury Building. March 3, 1913.
But I need you to do your part by liking our Facebook posts this week in celebration that these women are “on the money!”
Please share our Facebook posts for the next six days as we help bring these women to life:
  • Harriet Tubman, who while enslaved once sustained a near-fatal head wound and whose face will grace the $20 bill,
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the founder of the women’s movement, who pointed to “the education and enfranchisement of women” as the solution to the “murder of children, either before or after birth…”
  • Susan B. Anthony, the suffrage leader who as publisher of The Revolution, mourned her sister-in-law’s abortion saying she will “rue the day when she forced nature.”
  • Lucretia Mott, who labored to champion the causes of abolition and suffrage equally. 
  • Sojourner Truth, who was auctioned off along with a flock of sheep for $100, and who escaped to freedom with her newborn daughter.
  • and ERA author Alice Paul who asked, “How can one protect and help women by killing them as babies?”
We all know that those who don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it.
The Revolution, published by Susan B. Anthony and co-edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, went bankrupt by depending on one donor.
Like Alice Paul, who successfully led the movement seventy-five years later to achieve the 19th Amendment, we know that we have to share in the responsibility to ensure Feminists for Life is here for women and men tomorrow.
We need to speed up the time when abortion becomes unthinkable. Because like these women we know all people are equal. All choices are not.

Please make a tax-deductible gift today in support of our work for women and children at highest risk of abortion. Women are going to be “on the money.” Frankly, we need to have the funds to succeed just like Alice Paul, because abortion is still “the ultimate in the exploitation of women.”
And we need to end this.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
P.S. If you are not a supporter yet, would like to give a gift membership, or renew after your support of $35 or more a year has lapsed, I will send you “First Wave Feminists: Remarkable Pro-Life Women and Other Suffragists You Should Know” and other tools you can use.