January 22, 2022

Who determines your worth?

Today, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, hundreds of high school and college students will see our new video hosted by the Cardinal O’Connor Conference. We invite you to see this informative, logical, and foundational video, too.

Cynthia J. Wood, J.D., presents “Know Your Worth.” She asks and answers:

  • Who do you let determine your worth? Who are the influencers in your life?
  • What is the difference between self-worth and intrinsic worth?
  • What is your worth — and where should it come from?
  • Does your worth have a price?
  • How does self-worth play into a woman’s a decision to abort her child?
  • What does our country’s foundational document say about the intrinsic value of humanity, and what are the dangers by some in changing our Constitution thereby eroding our most basic rights — especially for the most vulnerable at the beginning and end of life?

We invite you to watch this video — and urge you to share it individually with those of all ages and beliefs, or with your local school, pro-life high school and collegian group, pregnancy resource center, and your family and friends.

While we hope that this June, we will see the end of Roe v. Wade, protection from abortion would go to the states, and women will still need resources and support. It all starts by knowing it is all a matter of worth.

Because women — and girls — deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist